Inspirational & Motivational Quotes eBook


This e-book, 500 of the very best quality Inspiring and Motivating quotes, written By Terry Elston and Benjamin Bonetti, is designed to motivate and inspire.

We wrote this book to give you at least one inspiring thought for a day. Language is a great motivator, so we’ve combined all of our successes and made them into bite sized arrows of inspiration, that enter your mind and uplift the intellect and feelings.



Inspirational & Motivational Quotes – Probably the Best Way to Start Your Day

Here are a few examples:

“The one who pauses to judge success has already stopped being it”

“Think positively, intelligently and newly, with confidence of your vision, then life becomes richer, more exited and delightfully insecure, more alive with action, richer in experience and success”

“Do not worry about how your ideas will manifest. If you are true to yourself, like children who have been treated well, they will grow up by themselves, leave home and multiply many times over!”

Empty pockets never made people poor.  The only thing that makes people poor when there is wealth around are empty heads and empty hearts.

“The first attempt at success is an experiment, the second a trial, the third is whether you are committed to do these things all over again”

Pay attention to the feeling of your thoughts, because they become words
Watch your words, for they become actions
Pay attention to your actions, as they become your habits
Experience your habits, for they become personality

Observe your personality, for it will become your destination.

When your mind is peaceful, not wanting and desiring outside of itself, you are stronger than any physical force in this universe.


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